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Fly ash


The use of fly ash as an addition to concrete is widely used for two reasons: the economic savings from the reduction of the cement used and the microstructural changes caused by the addition.
On this second point, there is consensus in considering that fly ash generates a more compact concrete and a reduction in the average pore size.
Properly used, fly ash is an active addition that can improve the durable and mechanical properties of concrete in most cases.



La dolomita, denominada de esa forma en honor al geólogo francés déodat gratet de dolomieu, es un mineral compuesto decarbonato de calcio y magnesio. se emplea como árido de hormigón siempre que se
analice su reacción con el cemento.

Dolomite has countless industrial applications, from crushing aggregates for construction to the basic chemical industry, including its use as an ornamental rock (dolomitic marbles), the manufacture of ceramics, glass, paints, white fillers, refractories, etc.
dolomitic marbles), manufacture of ceramics, glass, paints, white fillers, refractories, etc.
The dolomite we distribute is considered to be one of the whitest and purest in the world.